Adaptor 12 volt berbasis 7812 dan 2N3055

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Adaptor ini mempunyai output 12 volt yang sudah teregulasi dengan baik

The adapter has a set of output 12 volt which is teregulasi well. If the components that were installed in accordance with the scheme under the set of the series of this adapter safe burdened to 5 ampere, if you want this adapter is able to be burden with a greater flow you can add a power transistor (2N3055) and replace with dioda referrer dioda that have ampere higher. Exodus series of this adapter can be used to run the tape the car, the radio transmitter, CCTV cameras, and other electronics equipment.

Gbr. Skema rangkaian Adaptor 12 volt

Komponent list:
  • D1-D4 = 6 A
  • D5 = 1 A
  • C1 = 4700u/50V
  • C2 = 220u/25V
  • C3 = 100u/25V
  • R1 = 1k
  • R2 = 0.2Ohm/5Watt
  • F1 = Fuse (skring) 2 A
  • F2 = Fuse (skring) 6 A
  • IC1 = 7812
  • TR1 = 2N3055
  • T1 = Trafo 15Volt

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